Redmond Gary Australia upgrades its Engineering Department capabilities. (November, 2009)

Redmond Gary Australia has just purchased new finite element analysis software (Femap with NX Nastran) from Siemens. This software compliments the existing 5 seats of Solid Edge 3D Drawing software. The new system has been loaded onto all computers in the engineering department. This high end software package has a range of capabilities. The base module includes linear and statics, …

New & Innovative Products Forum 2009 (November, 2009)

The PoleX was demonstrated at the New & Innovative Products Forum 2009 held on 25th November at Exhibition Park in Canberra. This is a new event held for the first time this year primarily to demonstrate the advanced new products and services available to the electricity industry. The event was sponsored by Country Energy. In addition, Country Energy organized for …

Innovative New Equipment – Safe Way to Remove Poles (October, 2009)

Redmond Gary Australia has demonstrated the first Pole Extractor to Energy Australia. This innovative new design makes it possible to control the lifting and extraction of poles eliminating the need to use manual equipment such as pole jacks, significantly reducing risks to personnel that were associated with old fashioned techniques. The new system also protects the crane borer from potential …

2009 ESITO Line Mechanic and Cable Joiners Competition in New Zealand

Redmond Gary Australia has exhibited at the 2009 ESITO Line Mechanic and Cable Joiners Competition which was held at Mystery Creek Events Centre outside Hamilton New Zealand. This is an annual event which showcases the best of the best that New Zealand has to offer in the areas of overhead line construction and cable joining, both overhead and underground. This …

The first rear-mount new generation PoleERU to Country Energy

Redmond Gary Australia Pty Ltd has just delivered the first rear-mount new generation PoleERU to Country Energy. This new machine is mounted on ISUZU FXZ1500. This new machine features innovative new design which gives superior lifting capacity in comparison with other Australian made machines. The new machine also features 18,600 Nm auger drive and has the capacity to stow augers …

The First Radio controlled TF17M to Aurora Energy in June, 2009

The First Radio controlled TF17M was inspected and handed over to Aurora Energy in June, 2009. This will be the first radio controlled Redmond Gary EWP supplied to Aurora Energy in Tasmania. Gavin Jenkins and Ronald Baker inspected the MEWP and were so happy with the quick delivery and presentation/performance of the machine that Aurora Energy immediately ordered two more …

First 10kN 3-Drum winch has been delivered to NetCon Limited in New Zealand

The General Manager of NetCon was looking for a better method of installing new cables and replacing old cables for overhead networks in the Timaru region of New Zealand. After doing some extensive research, he found Redmond Gary Australia practically by accident as a result of discussing his requirements with his staff. Ross Sinclair visited Redmond Gary Australia’s Gold Coast …

Norwich Park & Saraji Mine EWPs

15 May, 2009 – New EWP with Rollover Protection will be delivered to BMA Coal ‘Norwich Park Mine’. This will be the second machine delivered to the BMA Coal group of companies. The first machine was delivered to BMA Coal ‘Saraji Mine’ in October, 2008. Our authorised trainer will be onsite to provide operator training for this vehicle.