Choosing the Right Type of EWP for Your Project

Choosing the Right Type of EWP for Your Project

Elevated Working Platforms (EWP) are some of the more flexible and useful pieces of equipment that you can acquire when you’re working on jobs or projects that require quite a good amount of reach. They have many uses and will certainly prove to be a good investment once the right type of EWP is acquired.

There are many different of EWP types, and each of them will have jobs or projects that they are more suited for. If you’re thinking of acquiring an EWP or hiring an EWP service, then make sure that you choose properly. Below are some things worth considering in order to help you choose the right type of EWP to suit your needs.

3 Things to Consider When Choosing an EWP for Your Project

1. The kind of job you will need it for

Every job or project is different. If you need to always be mobile when using the EWP, then consider getting one with wheels. Mobile Elevated Working Platforms (MEWPs) can be used in orchards, warehouses, storerooms, and any workspace where multiple high areas need to be reached.

If you’re dealing with a construction site, quarry, or any are that requires a lot of stability, then get an EWP that can easily be anchored for more safety. For jobs that require extra care, maybe consider getting an EWP that pole claws or something similar.

2. Height

EWPs are generally quite flexible when it comes to height, as they are adjustable. However, there are some jobs that will demand a tad more reach compared to others. Something with a telescopic boom will work well. In many of these cases, you will need to acquire a High-Risk Work License. Otherwise, you may want to opt for something smaller.

3. The workspace

One of the most important things to consider is the kind of workspace that you will be using the EWP in. Make sure you consider the following:

  • Area of use – If you will be using your EWP outdoors, make sure that it’s weatherproof. Indoor use will also have its own set of things to watch out for, like obstacles or trapping hazards.
  • Horizontal space – If there is not much horizontal floor space available, or if the job requires the EWP to be stationary, then do away with getting a mobile elevated working platform.
  • Hazards – Watch out for any potholes, uneven floor surfaces, bumps, obstacles, blind corners, and overhead hazards to ensure the safety of everyone concerned. Particularly of note are overhead hazards, potential falling objects, and power lines.
  • Water – for projects near water, you may want to get an EWP with insulation for extra safety.

Do You Need Help in Choosing the Right Type of EWP You Need?

Have you perhaps chosen and you want to look for a rental service? Maybe you want to acquire your own? We at Redmond Gary have the best professionals that can help you and your workers get trained in using equipment, or help you acquire the right equipment for the job. You may contact us at 07 5594 9844 or you may visit our site for more enquiries.

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