The new TL14M MEWP (August, 2016)

Since the introduction of the TL17M MEWP at the end on 2014, Redmond Gary has planned on manufacturing a 14M MEWP using the same Dura-Comp 40 technology featuring ultra high insulation and a high strength to weight ratio.

Energex has been delivered five new TL14M MEWPS and have another 10 scheduled for production over the next 12 months.

The new TL14M MEWP offers all the same features that come with the 17M version, including:

  • Made from Dura-Comp 40
  • Insulation rating 5/33/132kV rain
  • High voltage basket tested to 50kV without a liner
  • Sealed fly boom
  • Low profile basket
  • 180° basket rotation
  • Improved fly jib articulation
  • All new hydraulic and electrical systems

The only significant changes from the 17M to the 14M models stem from stability considerations of the smaller machine. Unlike the 17M, the TL14M has a basket work load limit of 325kg and down jacklegs only as the out jacklegs are not necessary. The 14M also comes with the option of spring lockouts that eliminates the need to utilise the jackleg stabiliser. However, when using this function, it gives the machine limited slew.